Início » 50,000-seat outdoor arena to be built in Cotai

50,000-seat outdoor arena to be built in Cotai

Macau is developing into a “City of Spectacles" and " City of Sport". Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said that the development of performing arts and convention and exhibition is part of the development of Macau's non-gaming industry. In particular, the performing arts have been developing well in the past two years, and many international artists like to perform in Macau. However, Macau's indoor venues are relatively small, with the largest one accommodating 16,000 people. The outdoor venues also affect the residents in the neighbourhood. The Government has now identified a new outdoor venue that is programmed to accommodate at least 50,000 and up to 80,000 people in a five-star hotel surroundings without affecting the residents. It is hoped that the construction will be completed by the end of this year and that it will be ready for use next year.

In alignment with the “1+4” strategy for appropriate economic diversification and with the aim of promoting sustainable and high-quality development of society and transforming Macau into a “City of Spectacles,” the Macao SAR Government, after thorough evaluation, has selected a state-owned plot in Cotai with an area of 94,000 square meters for the temporary construction of the “Macau Open-Air Performance Venue.” The venue is located at the intersection of Avenida do Aeroporto and Rua de Ténis, facing north towards Rua de Ténis and northeast towards Avenida do Aeroporto, with an expected capacity of 50,000 spectators. The construction of this venue will create favorable conditions for hosting large-scale open-air performances in Macau, aiming to attract international-level shows to Macau.

Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said in an interview on Monday that Macau cannot rely on the gaming industry alone. The SAR Government has learnt a lesson from the bitter experience and is determined to diversify its industries, focusing on the development of the four major industries in accordance with the instructions of the Central Authorities over the years and the actual situation of Macau. Last year, the government formulated a five-year development plan for appropriate economic diversification. It is believed that the development of the four industries will yield results after five years.

According to the press release on Monday, several large-scale performances have been held in Macau in recent years. Besides covered spaces, social sectors have expressed the need for venues to host large-scale outdoor performances. After a comprehensive consideration of Macau’s various spatial conditions and a balanced weighing of several factors, the aforementioned plot was chosen. Currently, various public services are undertaking preparatory work related to the project design and the public tender for the construction of the Performance Venue.

At the “Macau Open-Air Performance Venue,” basic facilities and complementary equipment for large-scale performances will be created. Utilizing these facilities and equipment of the new space, international-level performing arts programs can be introduced, attracting institutions from both Macau and abroad that plan and organize outdoor cultural festivals, performing arts programs, and tours to come to Macau to hold international-level shows. In the future, the Macao SAR Government will continue to proactively support the development of the performing arts industry and make every effort to build the “City of Spectacles” through diverse cultural policies, so that culture becomes the new engine of Macau’s economic development and enhances Macau’s role as “A Base for Exchange and Cooperation for the Promotion of Multicultural Coexistence, Predominantly Featuring Chinese Culture” and the synergistic effects of “Culture +.”

Sports are also the direction of development in Macau. Ho Iat Seng said in an interview that if there were two international sports events every month, there would be 24 in a year. For example, the 6,500 tickets for the As ITTF Taças Mundiais Masculina e Feminina held in April were sold out in 2.4 seconds, reflecting the attractiveness of hosting such events in Macau, and their economic benefits. Although the revenue from ticketing was only $1 billion last year, it can also bring in other revenues at the same time.

What are the plans to attract more international travellers to Macau? Ho Iat Seng said that the three-year epidemic had a great impact on international flights, coupled with the current economic downturn in Europe and the United States. Last year, 65% of the total number of mainland visitors came to Macau, while the remaining 35% came from Southeast Asia, Hong Kong and other places. In the future, Macau will consolidate the Southeast Asian market, then expand into Europe, the United States and the Middle East, and will definitely develop internationally.

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