Início » Harvey Rouse to replace Thomas Gnocchi as Head of EU Office to HK and Macau

Harvey Rouse to replace Thomas Gnocchi as Head of EU Office to HK and Macau

Harvey Rouse will replace Thomas Gnocchi as Head of the European Union (EU) Office to Hong Kong and Macau, according to a release by Josep Borrell, European Union High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

Rouse, who currently serves as Head of Unit for International Relations at the European Commission’s DG MOVE (Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport), will take office in September, MNA has learned.

He previously served as Head of the Trade & Economic Section at the EU Delegation to Indonesia/Brunei Darussalam and the EU Delegation to ASEAN.

Thomas Gnocchi, who has served as Head of the EU Office to Hong Kong and Macau since September 2020, will now head to Tokyo, as he has been appointed Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to Japan.

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