Início » Guinea-Bissau: State secretary for public order submits resignation to president

Guinea-Bissau: State secretary for public order submits resignation to president

Guinea-Bissau's secretary of state for public order, José Carlos Macedo Monteiro, on Friday submitted his resignation to the country's president, he announced

He has been at the center of controversy over the ban on demonstrations in Guinea-Bissau and the recent arrests of protesters. José Carlos Monteiro explained that he had submitted his letter of resignation to the country’s President, Umaro Sissoco Embaló, ‘because he didn’t want to jeopardize the good work’ of the government.

In brief statements to journalists and without the right to questions, Monteiro said that his resignation was due to ‘an understanding’ that he was not in a position to remain in the current president-initiated government.

The politician argued that in trying to explain himself about the circumstances of his decision to order the arrest of a citizen who had allegedly insulted the authorities on social media, he felt he had overstepped his bounds.

President of Guinea-Bissau Umaro Sissoco Embalo (Photo by SAMBA BALDE / AFP)

At a press conference on Tuesday, José Carlos Monteiro used insulting expressions to explain the words that had been written by the citizen in question on a social network.

At the time, the Secretary of State for Public Order reaffirmed his determination to hold accountable anyone who insulted the authorities, especially the President of Guinea-Bissau, on social media.

Monteiro said that his words ‘have been taken out of context’ and give the impression that they were uttered by him.

The politician said that he never wanted to jeopardize the image and ‘good work’ of the government and the President of the Republic of Guinea-Bissau.

‘We decided freely and without pressure from anyone and this morning we submitted our resignation to the country’s president,’ declared José Carlos Monteiro, leaving it up to Umaro Sissoco Embaló to decide.

As Secretary of State for Public Order, Monteiro has been at the center of a controversy in Guinea-Bissau for having ordered a ban on public demonstrations, on the grounds that the country is living in a situation of insecurity.

On the 18th, he ordered the arrest of 93 activists from the Popular Front, an organization that includes youth associations, trade unions and women’s groups, who were protesting against the regime in the country.

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