Início » China promises to collaborate with EU in the fight against climate change

China promises to collaborate with EU in the fight against climate change

The Chinese Government assured yesterday that it was available to work with European Union (EU) countries on issues such as climate change, at a meeting in Madrid in which the Spanish Government promised cooperation in several areas.

During a visit to Madrid, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi assured that his Government is available to collaborate with the EU in combating the climate crisis, recognizing that the main economic blocs have an increased responsibility in ensuring a sustainable future.

In response, Wang received from his Spanish counterpart, José Manuel Albares, a guarantee of Madrid’s interest in collaborating on joint projects in areas such as renewable energy and water and waste management.

Those responsible for foreign policy in both countries also discussed the agreed visa exemption for Spaniards traveling to China for up to 15 days and investment in programs to promote the Spanish language in Chinese territory.

At yesterday’s meeting, in a two-day visit that ends on Monday, the head of Chinese diplomacy also conveyed to Madrid the news that his Government will lift the embargo on Spanish beef, which will soon be lifted again. to be able to freely access the large Chinese market.

For the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, this announcement will have “a tremendously positive impact”, admitting that “it is difficult to find a market the size of the Chinese one”. Wang Yi also guaranteed that, in addition to meat, the Chinese market will be more receptive to sectors such as cosmetics or public contracts.

Albares said that this expression of interest is proof of the “excellent state of bilateral relations and friendship between the two peoples”, showing that he is committed to contributing to deepening contacts with the Chinese Government.

Wang’s trip comes after, last year, China and Spain celebrated the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations. On Monday, the head of Chinese diplomacy will meet with the President of the Spanish Government, Pedro Sánchez, and King Philip VI.

*With Lusa

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