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China calls for intensified strategic coordination with Russia

As two major responsible countries, China and Russia should strengthen strategic communication, build more strategic consensus and carry out more strategic cooperation on the future of humanity and the world, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday

Wang made the remarks in a telephone conversation with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, during which they exchanged New Year’s greetings.

Over the past year, under the strategic guidance of Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the China-Russia Comprehensive Strategic Coordination Partnership for a New Era has been functioning at a high level, said Wang, also a member of the Committee’s Political Bureau. Central of the Communist Party of China.

Through high-quality strategic coordination, the two sides have not only managed their respective countries’ affairs well, but also played key roles in the international arena and maintained global strategic stability, Wang said.

Noting that this year marks the 75th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Russia and the beginning of the China-Russia Years of Culture, Wang said the two sides should, in accordance with the consensus reached by the two heads of state, carry out celebratory activities, intensify high-level exchanges, promote the in-depth development of bilateral practical cooperation, promote people-to-people exchanges in various fields, and further consolidate public support and social basis for bilateral relations.

China firmly believes that Russia will be able to successfully complete its important domestic political agenda and maintain national stability and development, Wang said.

At the recent Central Conference on Foreign Affairs-Related Work, President Xi comprehensively summarized the major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics in the new era, made strategic plans for the next steps, particularly elucidating the profound connotations of the scientific system of building a community with a shared future for humanity.

Wang advocated an equal and orderly multipolar world as well as an inclusive economic globalization that benefits everyone, which is in line with the development trend and progress of the times and resonates with the common aspirations of most countries, Wang said.

Noting that Russia-China relations have yielded fruitful results in 2023, Lavrov said that in the new year, Russia is ready to work with China to maintain high-level exchanges, strengthen bilateral cooperation in areas such as economy, trade and investment, deepen people-to-people exchanges in the fields of sports and culture, hold the successful China-Russia Year of Culture, advance communication and coordination in international affairs, and join hands to seek new achievements in bilateral relations.

Russia firmly adheres to the one-China principle, he added. The two sides also exchanged views on BRICS cooperation and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Lavrov said Russia is willing to work with China to promote BRICS cooperation to achieve greater results and strengthen communication and coordination on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to safeguard peace and stability in the Middle East.

Wang said China fully supports Russia, which assumes the BRICS presidency this year, in hosting a successful BRICS summit, and is ready to make joint efforts with Russia to enhance the BRICS’ international influence and enhance cooperation BRICS to a new level.

Both China and Russia should continue to strengthen communication and coordination, urge a ceasefire and the earliest possible cessation of hostilities in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, ensure the smooth delivery of humanitarian aid, and make joint efforts to restart two-state solution.

They also discussed other international and regional issues of common interest.

*With Xinhua

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