Início » Public Library of Cultural Affairs Bureau launches 35th issue of Books and the City

Public Library of Cultural Affairs Bureau launches 35th issue of Books and the City

The 35th issue of "Books and the City," published by the Public Library of the Cultural Affairs Bureau (IC), is now available. The theme, "Books as a Companion, a Bright Future Awaits," reviews various programs aimed at building Macao into a "City of Reading."


Programs include the “Toddler Reading Reward Programme,” “Fun Family Reading,” “Student Fun Reading Award Scheme,” “Fun Reading School Commendation Scheme,” and “Baby Book Club – the Parent-child Space of Infants and Toddlers,” with the goal of inspiring interest in reading and offering a cultural feast provided by libraries.

In this issue, the “Library Handbook” introduces the “Voices on Paper — Culture Exhibition of Cantonese Opera and Cantonese Songs,” co-organized by IC of the Macao SAR Government and the Sun Yat-sen Library of Guangdong Province. Also featured is an “Author’s Say” section where Michael Wong, editor-in-chief of the book Macao Zheng Guanying, discusses narrative techniques in writing the stories of Zheng Guanying in Macao, enriching the historical and cultural value of Macao. The “Reading Landscape” section captures highlights of reading activities, and the “New Launch” section introduces new books, movies, music, and magazines. The issue also includes 12 brief book reviews in Chinese, Portuguese, and English.

3,000 copies of Books and the City are available free of charge at branch libraries under the IC, higher education institutions, Tap Seac Gallery, several bookstores, and cultural and art facilities in Macao. The online version is available on the website of the Public Library of the Cultural Affair Bureau at

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