Início » Arts and Cultural Festival between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries shows the charm of cultural integration

Arts and Cultural Festival between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries shows the charm of cultural integration

The various activities included in the 5th“Encounter in Macao – Arts and Cultural Festival between China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries”, complemented by the Lusofonia Festival presented 70 sessions of programs and activities between October and December, highlighting the appeal of Sino-Portuguese cultural and artistic interaction in the city.

Platform Studio

The event, complemented by the Lusofonia Festival, presented between October and December, 70 program sessions and extension activities, divided into seven series, with the participation of around 600 artists. Up to date, the Festival has attracted approximately 45,000 participants.

With the generous support of Galaxy Entertainment Group, this year’s 2023 GEG Lusofonia Festival focused on Portuguese culture, with demonstrations of handicrafts and gastronomy, as well as inviting various artists from Portuguese-speaking countries and regions and around 30 Lusophone artistic groups from Macao to perform at the event, attracting around 23,000 visitors.

Under the theme “Garden of Reading”, Chinese and Portuguese Picture Book Fair was attended by more than 30 bookshops and publishers from Mainland China, Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Portugal.

For ten consecutive days, more than 500 picture books and children’s books in various languages, mainly in Chinese and Portuguese, were exhibited at the Carmo Hall in Taipa, attracting more than 6,700 visitors.

The main theme of this year’s China and the Portuguese-speaking Countries Film Festival was“Dresses Galore in Films”, bringing together around 30 outstanding film productions from Mainland China, the Portuguese-speaking countries and Macao.

In this edition, for the first time, an open-air screening of animated films took place in a revitalized historic area, the Former Iec Long Firecracker Factory, where a series of extend activities, such as post-screening sharing sessions and workshops, sought to broaden the horizons of local audiences and film industry professionals, and promoted cooperation and cultural and artistic exchange between China and Portuguese-speaking countries.

Fado is Portugal’s most representative traditional music. The Festival featured the ” Camané and Macao Chinese Orchestra Concert” conducted by Yao Shenshen, permanent conductor of the Shanghai Chinese Orchestra.

Camané performed his songs adapted to Chinese musical instruments, bringing in a harmonious fusion of Chinese and Portuguese sounds. The concert, to which more seats had to be added, generated a highly enthusiastic response from the audience.

The Annual Arts Exhibition between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, dedicated to the theme “Relations”, brought together seven artists from Mainland China, Portugal, Brazil, Angola and Macao, presenting a total of 21 artworks including paintings, installations, videos and large-scale sculptures, at the Exhibitions Gallery and Nostalgic House of Taipa Houses.

By presenting the cultural differences between different places, the exhibition demonstrated the unique charm of the encounter and exchange between Chinese and Portuguese-speaking cultures and the harmonious fusion of cultures. The exhibition is available until January 1st.

For more information about the event, please visit the thematic website, or follow the “IC_Art” page on Facebook or the official IC account on WeChat, “IC_Art_Macao”.

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