Início » Ferry services to HK Airport transferred to Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal

Ferry services to HK Airport transferred to Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal

All ferry services between Macau and the skyPier at Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok International Airport will be transferred to the Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal.


According to the Maritime and Water Affairs Bureau, the transfer will take effect from Friday 15 December. Currently, ferry services to Hong Kong Airport have been operated through the Pac On Ferry Terminal in Taipa.
Once the transfer is complete, the ferry company will operate a regular service between the two piers on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays, departing from the Macau Outer Harbour Ferry Terminal at 10.45am and from the Hong Kong Airport SkyPier at 12.30pm.
According to the Macau Government Tourism Office, travellers are advised to check with the ferry company for details of the schedule and ticket situation, and to make travel arrangements in advance.

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