Início » Ho Iat Seng discusses policies with elite associations

Ho Iat Seng discusses policies with elite associations

At the meeting to discuss the Government Action Guidelines, the director of Health Services praised the government responsible for his appointment. Alvis Lo was present as vice-president of the China Youth Federation

Alvis Lo, currently director of Health Services, praised the results obtained by the government, which was responsible for his appointment. The praise came at a meeting between Ho Iat Seng and Alvis Lo, which served as an opportunity for the government leader to hear the opinions of the Macau members of the China Youth Federation on the Government’s Action Guidelines for next year.

Unlike usual, the meeting did not take place at government headquarters, but at the Service Platform Complex for Trade Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

According to the official version, at the meeting, Alvis Lo, in his capacity as vice-president of the federation, “highlighted the fruitful results obtained by Macau within the scope of the 1+4 strategy for the development of adequate diversification and the construction of the Deepened Cooperation Zone”. The director of Health Services also pointed out that “local young people attach great importance to the development of the Deepened Cooperation Zone” and that he hopes the government will continue to “cooperate with youth associations and schools to encourage the participation of young people in the construction of the Deepened Cooperation Zone and in aiding high-quality national development”.

Read more in Hoje Macau

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