Início » Hengqin behind Nansha and Qianhai in GBA GDP contribution

Hengqin behind Nansha and Qianhai in GBA GDP contribution

Total GDP of the three major cooperation platforms in Guangdong reached RMB220 billion in the first half of this year

In the first half of 2023, the total GDP of the three major cooperation platforms – the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone, and Nansha Demonstration Zone for Comprehensive Cooperation among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao exceeded RMB220 billion with the in-depth development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), according to the authorities of the three cooperation zones.

In recent years, Guangdong has resolutely implemented major national strategies and seized the opportunity to promote the development of Hengqin, Qianhai and Nansha platforms. The reform and opening up have unleashed strong vitality.

According to the plans for the three cooperation zones, each zone has focused on staggered development based on its unique advantages.

The high-quality development of the culture and tourism industry remains the work focus of the Hengqin as the service industry maintains its recovery momentum.

Regarding to Qianhai, finance is one of the key industries identified for strengthening cooperation in the cooperation zone.

According to the Nansha Plan, the zone will boost the development of high-tech industry and accelerate the building of intelligent connected vehicle (ICVs) industrial park.

In addition, the three platforms have also seen a significant increase in imports and exports, foreign investments and actual use of foreign capital.

For instance, the actual utilized foreign direct investment reached USD722 million in Hengqin, up 1.5 times year-on-year. Nansha’s total import and export value increased 39.5 percent to RMB162.89 billion. The foreign trade volume of the comprehensive bonded zone in Qianhai increased 13.9 percent to RMB109.67 billion.

Developing the three cooperation zones will be among top tasks, since recently the province has announced to continue to make all-out efforts to build the GBA with the three zones as essential destinations.

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