Início » EU points to ‘continuous erosion’ of autonomy and democracy in Hong Kong in 2022

EU points to ‘continuous erosion’ of autonomy and democracy in Hong Kong in 2022

The Chinese special administrative region of Hong Kong is suffering "a continuous erosion" of autonomy, democratic principles and essential freedoms, according to a report released today by the European Union (EU).

The European Parliament report published by the Commission concerns the year 2022, the 25th anniversary of the return of that part of Chinese territory to Beijing, which had, however, maintained its own autonomy.

Also two years after the imposition of the National Security Law, which curtailed part of the autonomy that Hong Kong enjoyed and, among other decisions, began to criminalize critics of the Chinese regime, the report reports on a “continuous erosion of the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong and democratic principles and essential freedoms, which should be protected by 2047”.

In just one year, Chinese authorities continued arrests of critics of the Beijing government and even the administration of that region.

(L-R) Activists Eddie Chu, Joshua Wong, Owen Chow and Lester Shum hold signs in Hong Kong on October 20, 2020, in support of the 12 local activists held in mainland China, after the coast guard intercepted a boat transporting them to Taiwan in late August. (Photo by Anthony WALLACE / AFP) (Photo by ANTHONY WALLACE/AFP via Getty Images)

As of December 31, 2022, 236 people have been arrested under the controversial legislation, while another 145, as well as five companies, have been fined.
The conviction percentage has been 100% since the National Security Act came into effect.

The EU denounced that there are also at least 47 activists who fight for democracy who are awaiting trial.

Simultaneously with other fundamental rights, freedom of the press “continued to decline in 2022”, accused the European report, among the arrests of journalists and the closure of independent media outlets.

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