Início » Macao influencer who committed suicide was discharged from hospital the day before after a first attempt

Macao influencer who committed suicide was discharged from hospital the day before after a first attempt

Hours after being medically discharged following a first suicide attempt, the Macao-based YouTuber tried again, and this time successfully. The medical decision is not being investigated, according to authorities.

Although Macao-born influencer Jane Lao was assisted in hospital for attempting suicide the day before her death, the case is not being investigated and no complaint has been filed. The revelation was made to Hoje Macau by the Macau Health Services (SSM) and the Medical Error Expertise Commission.

The youtuber died on 26 July after burning charcoal in her room. However, the day before, Jane Lao had already been in one of Macao’s hospitals, where she was treated for a first suicide attempt, as reported by the Hong Kong press.

Although she showed clear signs of poor mental health, Jane Lao was discharged hours after her first suicide attempt. Upon returning home, the resident made another suicide attempt, this time successfully.

However, the medical decision to discharge her from hospital is not being investigated. Nor has the youtuber’s family filed any complaint about the hospital’s behaviour.

No complaint, nothing to investigate

Regarding the procedure in handling suicide cases, the SSM explained that doctors follow “relevant guidelines”, although they do not specify what these are. (Picture taken from official Facebook page of Jane Lao)

To Hoje Macau, the SSM said that there was no complaint filed regarding this specific case. “For several situations, the Council of Health Professionals and the Medical Error Expertise Commission also have their own mechanisms for filing a complaint or challenge instituted,” they said.

Regarding the procedure in handling suicide cases, the SSM explained that doctors follow “relevant guidelines”, although they do not specify what these are. They simply state that “doctors will make medical judgements based on their professional knowledge and experience”.

SSM declined to comment on Jane Lao’s specific case to Hoje Macau, arguing that personal medical data is “confidential” and therefore “protected by law”.

The Medical Error Expertise Commission says that without a complaint it cannot conduct an investigation, something established by the ‘Legal Regime of Medical Error’.

“The technical expertise must be requested in writing, within the legal deadline, to the commission, with a copy of the medical record concerned. In the event of the death or impossibility of declaration of the user, family members with legitimacy may request expertise from the commission, in the order established in Article 6 of the same law. The investigation procedure is initiated when the request is admitted.”

“According to the records, the commission has not received any request for expertise regarding this case,” the commission said.

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