Início » Improve the talent attraction system to support the “1+4” plan

Improve the talent attraction system to support the “1+4” plan

Leong Sun Iok, Federation of Macao Workers' Associations

The Government of Macau has launched a public consultation on the Development Plan for Adequate Diversification of the Economy (2024 – 2028), which proposes the planning and implementation of various industries over the next five years. Integrated tourism and leisure industries are part of this cycle; Chinese medicine and health industry; modern financial industry; technology industry; convention, exhibition and trade industry; as well as the cultural and sports industries.
Currently, the Macao SAR is experiencing a new reality in terms of economic development. It is believed that this public consultation will help to implement the “1+4” industrial development strategy in more detail, so that the city can better align itself with national policy and integrate itself into the country’s development. Issues such as the training system for qualified professionals for the “1+4” industries, the coordination of interdepartmental cooperation and the scientific formulation of economic development indicators deserve our attention.

We also hope that the social responsibility of large companies will be fulfilled in order to improve Macao’s economic and social environment, actively helping residents to find employment and create businesses, allowing them to participate and share the fruits of economic development. Developing industries requires talent, and nurturing talent requires innovative planning. We agree that the Government should establish an effective system for nurturing skilled professionals and developing emerging industries, but detailed preparations are needed for large companies to fulfill their responsibilities to local talent. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between companies and schools, promote professional certification, and create career development for residents so that aspiring individuals can achieve their own professional development through their own efforts.

Currently, the SAR Government also hopes to bring in the qualified professionals needed for the development of several key industries. However, it must be stressed that when importing talent, we must take advantage of their knowledge, skills, experience and network of contacts in the market to promote the growth of local talent, allowing residents to participate in the process and enjoy the fruits of their effort. This is the only way we can improve people’s quality of life; resolve conflicts rooted in the course of economic and social development; and build a harmonious society.

The public consultation document mentions a division of labor between departments, which implies multi-sectoral and multi-departmental cooperation. Over the years, the public sector has suffered coordination problems between departments, with an impact on the efficiency of execution and the investment environment. It is considered that, in order to fight for the economy, we must avoid delays due to complicated administrative procedures and problems of interdepartmental coordination. It is necessary to increase the efficiency of the Government’s work and optimize the business environment. As for general development objectives, many of them are expressed in terms of “maintaining growth”, which shows the lack of a clear and scientific objective. It is expected that the Government, in promoting the development of emerging industries, will make reasonable adjustments and implementations for development according to the current situation, avoiding lack of resources and thus promoting adequate diversification of a market-oriented economy in a pragmatic way.

Finally, as the development plan involves a large number of issues and the consultation period is only 30 days, it is expected that the authorities will be able to disseminate this consultation widely and gather public views through different channels and at different levels. . In this way, it allows different sectors of the community to have a clear vision of the direction of development and to reach a consensus. Only then can he rally the concerted efforts of the community in the smooth implementation of this plan.

*Federation of Macao Workers’ Associations

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