Início » Pope Francis says Portugal has shown that an alternative to war is possible

Pope Francis says Portugal has shown that an alternative to war is possible

Pope Francis said today that World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon showed that an alternative world to war is possible and asked world leaders to listen to the message of fraternity of young people.

“While there is fighting in Ukraine and other parts of the world, and while war is being planned in certain hidden rooms, WYD has shown everyone that another world is possible: a world of brothers and sisters, where the flags of all peoples fly together, side by side, without hate, without fear, without weapons,” he said.

The leader of the Catholic Church was speaking during Wednesday’s general audience at the Vatican, in which he took stock of his visit to Portugal for the World Youth Day, which was attended by around 1.5 million people and was held between 01 and 05 August.

In the same intervention, Pope Francis then questioned whether the “clear message of young people” will be heard by the “greats of the earth”.

“We hope that the whole world hears them and sees that they are moving forward”, he added, stating that WYD showed that “an alternative to war” was possible.

Francis also addressed some words of encouragement to the Ukrainian people: “Many of you go on pilgrimage to Jasna Góra (Poland) and to other Marian shrines, so I entrust to you a desire that I carry in my heart: the desire for peace in the world (… ). Pray for this priceless gift, especially for the beloved and tormented Ukraine”.

The Pope also assured that during his trip to Fatima he prayed for peace.

“During WYD I returned to Fátima, to the place of the apparition, and together with some sick young people I prayed that God would heal the world of the diseases of the soul: pride, lies, enmity, violence. The world is sick with these diseases,” he said.

“I prayed for peace, because there are so many wars in every part of the world”, he added in what was the first general audience after the July break.

The Pope had already advanced, during the flight back to Italy, that when he was at the sanctuary of Fatima – where he did not read the speech or the prayer he had prepared – despite a public appeal for peace being expected, he decided to do it in silence and without advertising it.

He also said that he met “a group of young Ukrainians who brought stories of pain” to WYD, adding that the meeting “was not a vacation trip, a tourist trip, but an encounter with Christ”

After assuring that “his health is fine” and that he has no vision problems, he said that he cut or did not read the speeches at some WYD ceremonies to better communicate with young people.

The journey, whose next edition will take place in 2027, in Seoul, is considered the biggest event of the Catholic Church.

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