Início » Spain. PP leader has already started contacts to form government, PSOE in silence

Spain. PP leader has already started contacts to form government, PSOE in silence

Diário de Notícias

Feijóo said this Monday that “as leader of the most voted party” he had already started contacts with various political forces with the aim of soon forming “a stable government in Spain” and guaranteed the support of one of them, the União do Povo Navarro (UPN), which elected a deputy on Sunday.

The president of the Spanish Popular Party (PP, right), Alberto Núñez Feijóo, said this Monday that he has already started contacts to try to form a government following Sunday’s elections and reiterated that he should govern the most voted candidate.

The PP won Sunday’s legislative elections without achieving an absolute majority alone or with the far-right VOX party, with whom it governs in coalition in three autonomous regions of Spain, with the result of the ballot leaving open the possibility of a ‘contraption’ led by the socialists (PSOE), with the parliamentary support of nationalists and independentists.

Feijóo said this Monday that “as leader of the most voted party” he had already started contacts with various political forces with the aim of soon forming “a stable government in Spain” and guaranteed the support of one of them, the União do Povo Navarro (UPN), which elected a deputy on Sunday.

The PP elected 136 deputies and 176 are needed for an absolute majority in parliament.

Feijóo said he had also contacted the Canary Coalition (1 deputy) and that “the way was open” for supporting a PP government. Furthermore, after a first contact, he expects to continue talks in the coming days with the Basque Nationalist Party (PNV, 5 deputies) and with VOX (33 deputies).

The PNV made the current left-wing and extreme-left government led by the socialist Pedro Sánchez viable in the last legislature and claimed, during the electoral campaign of Sunday’s legislative elections, that the PP crossed an unacceptable line by making agreements with VOX in several autonomous regions and municipalities.

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