Início » Cereals. Putin says Russia will continue to supply African countries

Cereals. Putin says Russia will continue to supply African countries

“We fully understand the importance of interrupting the supply of food inputs for the socio-economic development and political stability of African states”, wrote the Russian head of state in the article quoted by the Spanish news agency, EFE, in which he adds that, for this reason, Russia “has always paid great attention to issues relating to inputs of wheat, barley, maize and other crops in African countries”.

In the article, Putin points out: “And we did it not only alone, on a contractual basis, but also free of charge, in the form of humanitarian aid, including through the United Nations World Food Programme”.

Last year, he recalled, Russia exported almost 11.5 million tons of cereals to Africa and in the first six months of 2023 alone, it already sent almost 10 million tons.

Regarding the suspension of the Black Sea Grain Initiative, which allowed the export of cereals using Ukrainian ports through the Black Sea, Putin argues that this happened because “it only served to enrich the large North American and European companies that exported and resold cereals from Ukraine”, stressing that “in almost one year, of the total 32.8 million tons of cargo, more than 70% were destined for high and middle income countries, including the European Union, while countries such as Ethiopia, Sudan and Somalia, in addition to Yemen and Afghanistan, received less than 3%.

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