Início » Cluster bombs test the unity of allies on the eve of the summit

Cluster bombs test the unity of allies on the eve of the summit

Visiting the United Kingdom on the eve of the NATO summit in Lithuania, Joe Biden and his host Rishi Sunak aim to show unwavering support for Ukraine and unity in the Atlantic alliance, but the recent decision by the US president to authorize the transfer of cluster bombs to Kiev undermined Allied terrain.

The most recent appeal came from Cambodia. That Asian country’s prime minister, Hun Sen, told the US and Ukraine to take into account Cambodia’s traumatic experience and reconsider the decision to use cluster bombs in the war. “It will be the greatest danger for Ukrainians for decades or hundreds of years if cluster bombs are used on Russian-occupied Ukrainian territory,” he wrote.

In turn, the German president reiterated his country’s position against the use of cluster munitions – “it is more justified than ever” –, however he acknowledged the impossibility of “blocking the United States”. If Ukraine no longer has the means to defend itself or if supporters of the country at war retreat, “it will be the end of Ukraine”, recognized Frank-Walter Steinmeier who, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, signed the Oslo convention with a view to the prohibition of those weapons.

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