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US advises citizens not to travel to China

The US issued a travel warning for its citizens to “reconsider” trips to mainland China, due to the “arbitrariness” of the police and the resulting risk of arrest.

The Chinese government “arbitrarily applies laws and issues deportation orders against citizens of the US and other countries without a fair and transparent process”, according to the text of the Department of State, published on the portal of the newspaper The Hill.

Thus, there is a “risk of unjust detention of citizens” of the US, so residents in the Asian country or who for this trip “may be detained without access to consular services [US] or information about the crime of which they are accused ”, and still be “the subject of interrogations and detention without fair and transparent treatment, in accordance with the law”.

The warning also added that the Chinese authorities consider state secrets “a wide range of documents”, which would lead to the opening of an investigation into espionage. US citizens can also be detained or deported for sending private messages critical of Chinese, Hong Kong or Macao authorities.

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