Início » Sperm donor who had more than 500 children admits to cheating women

Sperm donor who had more than 500 children admits to cheating women

Jonathan Jacob Meijer, the Dutch musician and YouTuber who claims to have more than 500 children due to sperm donations, has admitted to cheating women who wanted to get pregnant. The confession was made in an interview with the program Fantástico, on TV Globo.

“For a small group of mothers, I actually gave a false number of children conceived with my sperm and that was not correct. I take responsibility and apologize,” admitted Jonathan Jacob Meijer.

The man also said that the court’s decision to prohibit him from making further donations is “discriminatory”.

“It’s strange, in Holland and around the world there are big sperm banks that send thousands of samples by mail and there are other donors who have even more children than I do. So I think it’s discriminatory that they ban me but there are no restrictions for these big clinics,” he said.

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