Início » China wants to strengthen ties with Germany, which seeks to distance itself from Beijing

China wants to strengthen ties with Germany, which seeks to distance itself from Beijing

Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Tuesday called for greater economic cooperation with Germany, whose government is trying to reduce its dependence on the Asian giant.

On his first trip abroad since being appointed in March, Li also highlighted the importance his country attaches to relations with the European Union (EU), amid the bloc’s growing distrust of Beijing.

“The global economic recovery lacks a growth momentum. China and Germany, as great influential nations, must work together for world peace and development,” Li said at a press conference alongside German Prime Minister Olaf Scholz.

The Chinese premier also assured that Beijing attaches “great importance to the ties between the EU and China and wants to work with Germany to promote these ties”.

Scholz met Li at the height of a readjustment of German diplomacy towards China, although it remains his first trading partner.

Germany now has a more critical view of the Asian giant than in previous years, especially under then-Chancellor Angela Merkel, when Berlin wanted to strengthen its trade relations with China.

“Balanced Collaborations”

The first European economy seeks to diversify its partners to “reduce the risks” derived from an excessive dependence on China in strategic sectors, although it cannot ignore the Chinese market, essential for its powerful industry.

“Germany seeks to expand its economic relations in Asia. We do not want to close ourselves to a partner, we want balanced collaborations”, said the chancellor, guaranteeing that he “has no interest” in breaking economic relations with China.

However, the Chinese official asked countries that want to reduce their economic dependence on China not to use the “risk reduction” strategy to discriminate against their country.

“I think most friends of German industry will not see China as a risk and will not accept an alleged ‘risk reduction’ policy against China,” Li said, stressing his concern about possible “discriminatory measures”.

In the midst of tension between China and the United States, Germany emerges as a good interlocutor for Beijing, especially when the Chinese economy encounters difficulties after the covid-19 pandemic.

Beijing and Washington resumed dialogue with the recent visit of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken to the Chinese capital. But there are still disagreements between the two countries.

“Beijing wants to show that it continues its dialogue with one of its main trading partners,” said Mikko Huotari, an economist at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS) in Berlin.

“Together” for the climate

But Germany insists that times have changed.

At the diplomatic level, the differences between the two countries are much more marked, from Chinese threats against Taiwan and accusations of mistreatment of the Uighur minority to Beijing’s failure to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The conflict in the former Soviet republic has also exposed its excessive reliance on Russian oil.

Last week, the German government unveiled its so-called National Security Strategy, which describes Beijing as a hostile force. China acts “against our interests and values,” the document says.

The text insists, however, on the need to continue to treat the country as a “partner” and obtain Beijing’s cooperation in other fundamental issues, such as the fight against climate change.

The weather offers the two countries common ground on which to overcome tensions, the two leaders said on Tuesday.

“China and Germany must become green partners,” Li said.

Scholz urged the two countries, the world’s “leading CO2 emitters”, to “assume together” the responsibility of fighting global warming.

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