Início » The 10 drastic measures adopted by Dubrovnik to end tourist hell

The 10 drastic measures adopted by Dubrovnik to end tourist hell

Volta ao Mundo

Dubrovnik is the most visited city in all of Croatia and the Balkan region. Since January, according to official figures, it has been sought after by one million tourists, and it is estimated that by the end of the year the number will reach three million. But the local authorities are fed up and want to put an end to the (huge) mess generated by such crowds. And they have taken drastic measures. Get to know them.

1 – No more wheeled suitcases
The mayor of Dubrovnik was clear: “From now on, tourists are prohibited from dragging wheeled suitcases in the Historical Centre.” Mato Franković wants to put an end to the annoying noise such action causes and which prompts thousands of complaints from residents.

2 – Combating excessive noise
The municipality has hired external companies that will measure noise levels in the streets. Bars and restaurants with noisy esplanades will be fined.

3 – Controlled movement of animals
Tourists will still be able to walk their pet dogs in Dubrovnik, but only on a leash. It will be forbidden for them to make their needs on the streets of the historical area.

4 – Forbidden to walk shirtless
There will be a dress code that has to be followed to the letter, on pain of a fine. Walking around bare-chested, for example, will be one of the measures to be applied.

5 – Code of conduct
Those entering Dubrovnik by sea or air will not do so without first watching an educational film about the city, which will introduce them to the rules to be taken into account.

Read more at Volta ao Mundo

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