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Zidane still keen to be France coach

Zinedine Zidane, sidelined from the bench since 2021, gave a brief statement to QC magazine on Tuesday, where he avoided commenting on his reported refusal to coach PSG, preferring to focus on his desire to take charge of the French national team in the future.

“I have always said that when you know the French national team as a player and you are a coach, it is logical to think about it. But now is not the time,” he said, before stressing the ambition that has always accompanied him during his playing career and now in his coaching phase.

“When I was at Cannes, I wanted to go to Bordeaux. Then I wanted to play at Juventus and Madrid, because it was a different experience and stronger and stronger. That’s what we call ambition. I’ve always been ambitious and I’ve always believed in myself. I move on,” Zidane stressed.

By way of conclusion, the French coach recalled his second spell on the Real Madrid bench, which began in 2019, to explain how it is his own instinct that dictates his decisions.

Read more at O Jogo

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