Início » Zelensky says war only ends when Kiev wins

Zelensky says war only ends when Kiev wins

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said today that Ukraine’s war will only end when Kiev wins and insisted on joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) when it joins the summit of the European Political Community.

“Until our victory. When we win, the war will end or they [Russians] can leave our territory for their independent territory”, declared Volodymyr Zelensky, on arrival at the second summit of the European Political Community, in Moldova, when asked about the duration of the war in Ukraine.

In these statements to the press, the Ukrainian President underlined that the country “is ready to join NATO”.

“We are waiting for NATO to be ready to welcome, see and have Ukraine and I think that security guarantees are very important, not only for Ukraine, but also for all neighboring countries, due to Russia and its aggression in Ukraine. Ukraine and potential aggression in other parts of Europe,” said Volodymyr Zelensky.

When questioned about the relationship with the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, the Ukrainian President indicated that he expressed “support for Ukraine”, namely in bilateral meetings, but pointed out that “all unity is necessary, through alliances”, something on which Kiev “is working”.

The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, arrived today at 9:30 am (minus two hours in Lisbon) to the second summit of the European Political Community, in Moldova, in which around 50 European leaders are participating to discuss issues of security and energy.

Guest of honour, Volodymyr Zelensky was an expected presence, but without confirmation until the last moment, and was the first to arrive at the summit of the European Political Community, shortly after the host, the Moldovan President, Maia Sandu.

“I am happy to be here. It is not easy to come to Moldova, but […] this is the message of all Ukrainians: we will truly support the Moldovan people”, said the Ukrainian President.

Thanking her for her presence, Maia Sandu told the press that, in the brief bilateral meeting they had this morning shortly after their arrival, the two officials spoke about the “European future” of both, after having received the status of candidate countries for the EU in June from 2022.

“Ukraine keeps Moldova safe and we are grateful for that,” said Maia Sandu.

Moldova today hosts the second summit of the European Political Community, the cooperation platform for security and stability in Europe, with leaders of the European Union (EU) and other countries, now focused on peace and energy.

The second summit of the European Political Community will bring together leaders from across the European continent at Mimi Castle in Bulboaca, 35 kilometers from the capital of Moldova, Chisinau, and close to 20 kilometers from the border with Ukraine.

Portugal is represented on the occasion by the head of government, António Costa.

Created in 2022 based on the vision of French President Emmanuel Macron, disclosed in a speech on Europe Day in May last year, the European Political Community is a platform for political dialogue and cooperation on issues of common interest and strengthening security, stability and prosperity on the European continent, but not replacing any existing organisation, structure or process.

*With Lusa

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