Início » Pulitzer prizes honor AP for covering russian siege of Mariupol

Pulitzer prizes honor AP for covering russian siege of Mariupol

The Associated Press was honored with two Pulitzer Prizes for journalism on Monday, in the categories of public service and photo reporting, relating to the war in Ukraine, which include startling images of the Russian siege of Mariupol.

AP journalists were also among the finalists in the photojournalism categories, for their coverage of the political crisis in Sri Lanka, and for the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on older people.

For the public service award, the jury cited the work of videojournalist Mstyslav Chernov, photographer Evgeniy Maloletka, video producer Vasilisa Stepanenko and reporter Lori Hinnant. For nearly three weeks, the only foreign journalists in Mariupol were the AP, who captured remarkable footage of an injured pregnant woman being transported for medical care and Russian soldiers firing on civilian targets.

Other Pulitzer honorees included of Birmingham, Alabama, for local news and commentary, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and the Washington Post.

These awards distinguish the best in journalism in 2022, in 15 categories, as well as in eight artistic categories, focused on books, music and theatre.

Those distinguished for public service receive a gold medal, the others $15,000.

The vice-president of the Mariupol municipality stated that the work of the PA raised international attention, which led to pressure for the Russians to open routes for the evacuation of people, which saved thousands of lives.

“They informed the world of the human cost of this war in its early days,” AP Executive Editor Julie Pace said during an awards ceremony via Zoom. “They served as a counterweight to Russian disinformation and helped to open a humanitarian exit corridor from Mariupol with their work”, she stressed.

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