Início » Japan announces lifting of all anti-covid-19 border restrictions

Japan announces lifting of all anti-covid-19 border restrictions

Japan today announced the lifting, as of Saturday, of all border restrictions adopted due to covid-19, including the requirement to present a vaccination certificate or PCR test before travelling.

Currently, all travelers arriving in the Japanese archipelago are required to present a certificate of vaccination against covid-19 upon boarding, including an initial dose and a booster dose or, if they are not vaccinated, a negative PCR test for the disease. illness carried out in the 72 hours prior to the trip.

From midnight on Saturday, this will no longer be necessary, announced today the spokesman for the Government, Hirokazu Matsuno, explaining that the only thing that will remain is the requirement of a test upon arrival in Japan for those who have symptoms consistent with those of covid-19, such as high fever.

Japan had planned to lift the restrictions it introduced following the pandemic on May 8, coinciding with the national reclassification of covid in its regulations on infectious diseases, equating it with the flu, which will end subsidies for treatment or quarantines, among others. other things.

The Government decided to bring forward the withdrawal of border measures taking into account the Golden Week holiday period, which begins on Saturday and runs until May 7, and in which an increase in the flow of Japanese travelers and the arrival of tourists is expected. foreigners to the island country.

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