Início » Sex and contraception. 44% of women in 68 countries cannot make decisions about their own bodies

Sex and contraception. 44% of women in 68 countries cannot make decisions about their own bodies

The United Nations is calling for more support for fertility and women. The appeal is made in a report by the UN Population Fund, which is presented this Wednesday. The document indicates that, despite a greater tendency of governments to adopt birth policies, these policies often jeopardize women’s rights.

The UN also believes that, instead of creating concerns, the mark of a world population of eight billion people should be seen as an opportunity.

In the report released on Wednesday, the United Nations Population Fund recommends that governments institute gender equality and rights policies, such as parental leave programmes, tax incentives for those who have children and universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.

The United Nations believes that these policies offer a proven formula that will reap economic dividends and lead to resilient societies that can thrive, regardless of how populations change.

Here’s the bottom line: with birth control policies, are women able to freely make their own reproductive choices? The answer is no, says the UN.

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