Início » G7 promises to pay “high price” to countries that support Russia in the war

G7 promises to pay “high price” to countries that support Russia in the war

The ministers of the G7 Foreign Businesses will promise today that the countries providing assistance to Russia, not in the war in Ukraine, will pay “a high price.”

The declaration of the two chiefs of diplomacy of the Group of the seven most industrialized countries in the world (G7), released at the end of a meeting, in Karuizawa, in Japan, also called for the reinforcement of the application of the sanctions in force against Russia.

“There can be no impunity for war crimes and other atrocities such as Russian attacks against civics and critical civic infrastructures,” they said.

The ministers will agree to continue giving the maximum support to Ukraine and will consider Moscow’s announcement of the intention to send nuclear weapons to Belarus “unacceptable”, according to the document.

Japan was the host country of the meeting for exercising the rotating presidency of the G7, of which it is a part together with Germany, Canada, the United States, France, Italy and the United Kingdom.

The EU also participates in the G7.

This ministerial meeting should prepare a summit of G7 leaders, in May, in Hiroshima.

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