Início » Nudity, accidents and aggression: Tesla under fire for sharing customer images

Nudity, accidents and aggression: Tesla under fire for sharing customer images

Elon Musk’s company vehicles are equipped with multiple sensors, including cameras, to guide the condition assistance tools, highlights the complaint filed on Friday by Henry Yeh, owner of a Model Y in California, and consulted this Monday. fair by the France-Presse news agency (AFP).

Employees accessed the footage “not for the stated purpose of communicating, providing services and improving Tesla’s vehicle driving systems”, but “for the tasteless and criminal entertainment of Tesla employees and possibly people outside the company.” ”, adds the document, which is based on testimonies reported on Thursday by the Reuters agency.

Employees have released “recordings of Tesla customers in private and embarrassing situations, such as the video of a man approaching a Tesla car completely naked, videos of accidents or aggressions on the road”, accuse the whistleblowers.

It is also possible to find out where the videos were made, thus making it possible to identify the owner of the vehicle, contrary to what the company claims, the complaint also stresses.

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