Início » University of Macau “world leader” in the field of electronics: “Nobody believes it, but we are”

University of Macau “world leader” in the field of electronics: “Nobody believes it, but we are”

The University of Macau (UM), which saw 15 research papers accepted in February at an international electronics conference in San Francisco, USA, is “a world leader in this area”, vice-rector Rui Martins told Lusa.

“This year, in electronic terms, we were world leaders in this area, in second place came Tsinghua [Beijing] University with 13 ‘papers’”, noted the vice-rector for Global Affairs at UM.

Scientific articles from the higher education institution of the special administrative region addressed topics such as data conversion, wireless communications or energy conversion.

The University of Macau (UM), which saw 15 research papers accepted in February at an international electronics conference in San Francisco, USA, is “a world leader in this area”, vice-rector Rui Martins told Lusa.
“This year, in electronic terms, we were world leaders in this area, in second place came Tsinghua [Beijing] University with 13 ‘papers’”, noted the vice-rector for Global Affairs at UM.

Scientific articles from the higher education institution of the special administrative region addressed topics such as data conversion, wireless communications or energy conversion.

“In terms of scientific research funding and compared to other universities, I think it’s a good investment,” said UM’s Vice-Chancellor for Global Affairs.

Rui Martins underlined the institution’s advances in the study of “breast and colon cancer, which are the most frequent in Macau”. He also highlighted the development, during the pandemic, of “two sophisticated and advanced fans in terms of electronics”, which were donated to two universities in Africa, one in Maputo [Mozambique] and the other in Lubango [Angola]”.

With regard to partnerships in the area of scientific research, the official admitted that there are “few projects” with Portugal and that the low investment in other countries influences potential partnerships with Macau.

“I have noticed,” he responded. And he added: “In Portugal, where there are projects financed in Science and Technology, well financed, they are essentially by the European Union and some projects also by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), but programs for cooperation with Macau specifically, the values are too low”.

To develop this collaboration, “these values have to increase”.

Rui Martins recalled that, in 2017, a memorandum of understanding was signed between FCT and FDCTM with the aim of encouraging cooperation between research institutions in the two regions. “During the pandemic, it was a bit at a standstill,” said the official, stressing that negotiations are underway for a new edition.

“The fund that was put there, if I’m not mistaken, was 300,000 euros”, said Martins, admitting that it is a “very low, not to say insignificant” amount and that “it does not allow the development of large projects”.

“I hope that now in the program this amount will be increased”, he added.

*With Lusa

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