Início » Ukraine, Dilma and a lot of economy on Lula’s agenda in China

Ukraine, Dilma and a lot of economy on Lula’s agenda in China

Two months after visiting Joe Biden in Washington, Lula da Silva meets with Xi Jinping in Beijing and Shanghai, from Tuesday, the 11th, to Saturday, the 15th. war in Ukraine, the moment of the BRICS, a bloc that includes the two countries, Russia, India and South Africa, and marks the return of Brazilian diplomacy to dialogue, on an apparently equal footing, with the two greatest world powers of the At the moment, the USA and China.

“One of the themes of the visit is development, which involves technology, climate change, energy transition and the fight against hunger, and it will be a moment in which Brazil and China also speak to the world”, summarized Eduardo Saboia, secretary of Asia and Pacific of Itamaraty, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil is called.

The secretary also stated that there are 20 agreements ready for signing between the two countries, in health, agriculture, education, finance, industry, science and technology, including the launch of Cbers-6, the first satellite Sino-Brazilian for monitoring the Earth’s surface.

The focus of the meeting on the economy is underlined by the presence of 240 Brazilian businessmen, 90 of whom are from the area of agriculture, in Lula’s entourage, in addition to ministers and parliamentarians. “The trade surplus that Brazil obtains in exports to China is absolutely crucial to balance Brazil’s current account, which is chronically in deficit,” noted diplomat Paulo Roberto de Almeida to the newspaper Correio Braziliense.

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