Início » Brazil reaches 700,000 deaths from Covid

Brazil reaches 700,000 deaths from Covid

Three years after the first death from Covid in the country, Brazil reaches the sad mark of 700,000 deaths from the disease in a scenario marked by paradoxes.
According to the National Council of Health Secretaries (Conass), in the last week, the country reached an accumulated 700,239 deaths from the disease.

While the pandemic has recently slowed down due to advances in vaccination, the country still faces challenges such as low vaccination coverage against Covid in some age groups, such as children under five.

Interspersed with stories of lost lives, the milestone of 700,000 deaths is also accompanied by a change in the profile of mortality from the disease compared to other periods – with a higher proportion of deaths now in people over 80 and immunosuppressed, for example.

InfoGripe survey, Fiocruz system that tracks records of severe respiratory syndromes, including Covid, also points to up to three times higher mortality from Covid in unvaccinated people compared to those who received doses.

Read more in Folha de S. Paulo

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