Início » World must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

World must reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030

Held after a week of meetings in the Alpine town of Interlaken (Switzerland), this sixth report summarizes all the other five prepared by experts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) since 2015, noting that in the decade of 2011- 2020 the planet warmed 1.1 degrees from pre-industrial levels (1850-1900)

“Humanity walks on thin ice – and that ice is melting fast,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, adding that the world “needs climate action on all fronts – everything, everywhere, at the same time”, in a reference to the most awarded film at the last Oscars ceremony, “Everything Everywhere at the Same Time”.

Governments have agreed to act to prevent global temperature rise from exceeding 1.5°C, but experts believe it will exceed this threshold in the 2030s. The world is warming in response to the build-up of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. greenhouse in the atmosphere. Every year that emissions continue to increase, the available “carbon budget” is consumed and this means that much more drastic cuts will be needed in the following years.

Extreme weather has led to the deaths of millions of people

In the new report, the IPCC lays out the devastation that has already hit parts of the world. Extreme weather caused by climate breakdown has led to increased deaths due to intensifying heat waves across regions, millions of lives and homes have been destroyed in droughts and floods, millions of people are starving and there are “increasingly irreversible losses” in vital ecosystems.

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