Início » Portugal: I will repay TAP compensation money of my own free will – ex-director

Portugal: I will repay TAP compensation money of my own free will – ex-director

The former director of TAP, Alexandra Reis, on Monday disagreed with the opinion of the finance inspectorate (IGF) but said that “of her own free will” she will return the amount indicated by the entity, regretting “the character attacks” of which she has been a target.

The IGF concluded that the agreement concluded for the departure of Alexandra Reis from TAP is null and void, said the government today, which will ask for the return of the amounts.  

“I cannot agree with the IGF report, that is, with an opinion that rewrites what happened in order to give what is probably the easiest answer,” but is “nevertheless mistaken,” Reis said in a statement sent to the press.

But, “so that there are no doubts, and as I have said from the beginning, I do not want to have a euro about which there is the slightest suspicion”, she said.

“I accepted to leave a company, to which I gave myself with all my commitment and dedication in defending its interests, at one of the most difficult times of its existence, in total good faith, and although I disagree with the opinion of the IGF and nothing forces me to do so, I reaffirm what I always said I would do: of my own free will I will return what the IGF indicates, regretting the character attacks I have been the target of in recent months and with my eyes set on the future,” Alexandra Reis stressed.

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