Início » Russia’s ally Belarus says it supports China’s Ukraine peace plan

Russia’s ally Belarus says it supports China’s Ukraine peace plan

The President of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, an ally of Russia, declared this Wednesday (1st) in Beijing that he supports China’s proposals to seek a solution to the conflict in Ukraine.

“Belarus is actively involved with proposals for peace and fully supports its initiative in favor of international security,” Lukashenko said at a meeting in Beijing with Chinese President Xi Jinping.

“Today’s meeting takes place at a very difficult time, which calls for new and unusual proposals, as well as responsible political decisions. They must be oriented, above all, to avoid a global confrontation that will not have winners”, added Lukashenko, quoted by the communication service of the Belarusian Presidency.

Last Friday (24), when the Russian offensive against Ukraine completed one year, the Chinese government released a 12-point plan, which includes an appeal for Moscow and Kiev to start peace talks.

The mediation role sought by China is, however, questioned by Western countries, which criticize its links with Russia.

“We must continue to press resolutely for a political solution, abandon any Cold War mentality, respect the legitimate security concerns of all countries, and build a balanced, effective and lasting European security architecture,” Xi Jinping told his counterpart. Belarus, this Wednesday.

“Some countries must stop politicizing and instrumentalizing the world economy and must do things that favor a ceasefire, an end to the war and a peaceful solution to the crisis,” said the Chinese president, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

Belarus, which is Ukraine’s neighbor, did not send soldiers into direct combat, but the country’s government ceded Belarusian territory to be used by Moscow troops as a rear base.

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