Início » Finland begins construction of metal fence on border with Russia

Finland begins construction of metal fence on border with Russia

Finland began building this Tuesday (28) a metal fence three meters high and 200 kilometers long on part of its border with Russia. The country fears that Moscow will use migrants to exert political pressure.

Work on the three-kilometer pilot stretch, close to the city of Imatra, began this Tuesday “with deforestation, and will continue to allow for the construction of a highway and the installation of a metal fence,” according to a statement issued by by border authorities.

Construction of another 70 kilometers is planned for between 2023 and 2025, mainly in the southeast of the border.

In total, Finland intends to complete the construction of about 200 kilometers by 2026.

The work will cost 380 million euros (US$ 402 million) and, when finished, will have barbed wire, night vision cameras, lighting and speakers in places considered sensitive.

Currently, Finland’s 1,300km border with Russia is mostly protected by small wooden fences, designed primarily to keep out livestock.

Estonia, Latvia and Poland have also increased or plan to increase security at their borders with Russia.

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