Início » North Korea warns US that provocations could end in war

North Korea warns US that provocations could end in war

“It should be understood that if the US continues its hostile and provocative practices, (…) despite our repeated protests and warnings, this could be considered a declaration of war,” said Kwon Jong-gun, director general for US affairs at the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in an article published by the state news agency, KCNA.

“The only way to avoid the vicious circle of escalating military tension on the Korean peninsula and the surrounding region is through clear actions”, which consist of “the United States abandoning the commitment to use strategic means in South Korea and suspending all sort of joint exercises against” North Korea, Kown added.

The diplomat condemned the fact that Washington asked the UN Security Council to intervene this week over the launch of an intercontinental ballistic missile that hit the waters of Japan’s Special Economic Zone.

Kwon insisted that such tests constitute the “legitimate right of self-defence of a sovereign state” and that the UN is ignoring acts that “increase military tension, such as the use of strategic means and large-scale US-South Korean joint military exercises”. scale”.

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