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Forum Macau: “The political and commercial sides are always hand in hand”

Paulo Rego

The Secretary-General of Forum Macau acknowledges the strategic importance that China gives to Ho Iat Seng’s mission to Portugal. In the context of a Lusophone agenda in which “Macau has a very important and unique position within China.

Paulo Rego, journalist and general director of PLATAFORMA, in conversation with Ji Xianzheng, general secretary of Forum Macau

Ji Xianzheng is the first high-ranking Chinese official to react in person to the Chief Executive’s (CE) visit to Portugal, news that was made public last week by PLATAFORMA, which in this edition explains the importance that Portugal is giving to the visit (see pages 4 to 6). In a statement to our newspaper, the Secretary-General of Forum Macau explains that Beijing sees “this multilateral structure as a complement to these moments of bilateral cooperation,” which are in themselves “essential.

For this reason, he recalls, “the political and commercial aspects are always hand in hand”, which is why “the Forum and the Macau SAR Government have always cooperated in a common vision of promoting commercial relations and friendship between China and all the countries in the Forum family”. In this context, Ji Xianzheng – appointed by the Ministry of Commerce – assumes the strategic nature of this mission of Macao SAR to Portugal:

“This visit, which is not yet official, is very important. Because “Macau has a very important and unique position within China. Reason why, “since day one, the Forum has supported the construction of this platform; which is part of the action plan of the Ministerial Conference.

Read also: Macau Forum wants to take advantage of Portuguese-speaking countries

In this context, in informal conversations during the lunch that Forum Macau offered on Wednesday to the Portuguese and English-speaking press in Macau, PLATAFORMA perceived some expectation around the return of the Ministerial Conference as a political beacon of Sino-Lusophone cooperation (scheduled for October, according to Rádio Macau).

This year is the 20th anniversary of the Forum (created in 2003), but also because it is coming out of a paralysis to which the pandemic crisis has subjected everything. For this reason, there is speculation about the presence in the MSAR of delegations headed at the highest level.

The Secretary-General of Forum Macau addressed the biggest current issue in Macau, the visit of Ho Iat Seng to Portugal, noting that the Macau SAR “has a very important and unique position within China”. “This is why, from day one, the Forum has supported the construction of this platform, which is part of the action plan of the Ministerial Conference,” he explained.

“Probably heads of government,” admits one of the Lusophone delegates to the Forum, ensuring that a response will be given proportional to the level that China will be proposing. In his conversation with PLATAFORMA – without ever referring to the Ministerial Conference – Ji Xianzheng was clear about his expectations for the arrival of a new cycle in the field of bilateral contacts: “This post-pandemic period will certainly contribute to a reinforced dynamic in this regard,” including “the strengthening of cooperation between the Forum and the Macau SAR authorities, who have always attached great importance to relations with Portugal and all the countries in the Forum family.


The President of the Macanese Association considers the EC’s visit to Portugal “extremely important”. Even because of the timing, which is “extremely important”. Miguel de Senna Fernandes considers the mission “absolutely timely”, with “special impact for the Portuguese community in Macau, which is still living through fears created during the pandemic. What was experienced, with a certain anguish, I hope will be appeased. The Government [of Macau] knows how important is the presence of the Portuguese community, because the language and culture need human substrate to support all this.

Read also: Tension rises at Forum Macau

Senna Fernandes acknowledges that there will be “other issues on the agenda; things to do with China, Portugal and Macau.” However, he insists, this is “a very important signal that had to be given to the Portuguese community in Macau. As we know – and as is well known – there has been a relative exodus to Portugal” because the pandemic “has provoked decisions that in other circumstances would not have been taken. It is true that “it enclosed all the communities, but for those who have family abroad the psychological effects were tremendous, leading people to rethink their presence in Macau.

“What was experienced, with a certain anguish, I hope will be appeased. The government knows how important the presence of the Portuguese community is, because language and culture need a human substrate to support all this,” Miguel de Senna Fernandes, president of the Macanese Association.

The thoughts about Ho Iat Seng’s trip are still “speculative,” because “we don’t know what he has up his sleeve to talk to the authorities in Lisbon. However, “in symbolic terms, it will not go unnoticed by a Portuguese living in Macau – and right after the opening of the borders to the west.

Senna Fernandes describes what he felt when he read the PLATAFORMA news: “The first impression I had was the reaffirmation of the importance of the Portuguese community. This is good, if it is in line with what I speculate, and reopens the dialogue, as well as everything else that has been interrupted in the meantime. The EC, in various ways, has reaffirmed the importance of the Portuguese language, naturally the main course of the agenda it will take. And anyone who is a speaker of the language knows how very good that is.”

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Asked what he expects from the Portuguese authorities, Senna Fernandes answers with less enthusiasm: “What I have always expected – formal openness for dialogue.” But this already seems little to him: “By itself, it doesn’t matter to anyone in Macau. What matters is what comes after. After all, what does Portugal have to offer? Basically, you have to invest in this; it can’t be just good will and fine words. We need a greater correspondence and to encourage investment in Macau, already thinking of the Greater Bay Area. What kind of openness will Macau have for Portuguese investment? What attractions can it offer? This is what I am waiting to find out, with great expectation. I believe that the EC has this in mind, in this context and in this timing. I hope it corresponds to what I am expecting.


The president of the Casa de Portugal, Amélia António, one of the voices that denounced the difficulties that the pandemic crisis imposed on the Portuguese community, reacts optimistically to Ho Iat Seng’s visit: “I think it’s great that the first visit outside Macau will be to Portugal.

First, “given the existing relations”; but “especially if we understand that it mirrors Beijing’s understanding of the collaboration between Macau and Portugal. In fact, she admits, “the timing of the visit – right after the opening – makes it even more important. Even without knowing the EC’s agenda, Amélia António hopes that this visit, “extremely important, reactivate and strengthen the channels of mutual collaboration.

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Namely at the level of “culture, health, education … and even in the legal area”. Because “there are agreements that have been made, which sometimes seem a little forgotten… if what is said about Beijing’s understanding corresponds to reality, inevitably there are things that have to be reactivated and done.

“I think it’s great that this first visit outside Macau is to Portugal. On the one hand, given the existing relations; on the other, especially if we understand that it mirrors Beijing’s understanding of the collaboration between Macau and Portugal,” Amélia António, president of Casa de Portugal.

If, on Macau’s side, this visit “in a way gives us some confidence and makes us believe that what is said are not mere words”, on Portugal’s side there is also the awareness that a “new strategic opportunity” is opening up. Amélia António recalls the arrival of “a new consul, a new representative of AICEP, a new delegate to Forum Macau…” but also that “there are already associations installed here [such as Casa de Portugal] and Portugal can help all these stones to position themselves better on the board.

Also read: Consul-General of Portugal already in office in Macau

In other words, “it should have a more dynamic position of support in areas where there can be reinforced collaboration and help us to have a more active role in these areas, which are crucial to maintain part of Macau’s identity. There are structures on the ground that Portugal can use to develop this reinforcement.

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