Início » Chinese town trains squirrels to detect drugs in hard-to-reach spaces

Chinese town trains squirrels to detect drugs in hard-to-reach spaces

A Chinese city has trained a group of squirrels to be able to detect drugs in hard-to-reach spaces, such as warehouses or very high places, the local press reported this Thursday.

The six squirrels, of the Eurasian red variety, will take on duties in the fight against drug trafficking in the city of Chongqing, in southwest China, after their new capacity has been evaluated by several scientific institutions, according to the official newspaper Global Times. .

“Squirrels have a very good sense of smell,” said Yin Jin, one of the handlers in the dog brigade at the Public Security Bureau of Hechuan District in Chongqing.

The specialist assured that the training method they developed is also useful for other animal species and added that the results obtained so far are positive and that the squirrel unit is capable of quickly identifying the presence of drugs.

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