Início » Attacks like Dnipro require “new decisions” on weapons supply

Attacks like Dnipro require “new decisions” on weapons supply

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said today that the deadly Russian attack on a residential building in Dnipro “requires new decisions on the supply” of military equipment by Western countries.

“What happened in Dnipro, the fact that Russia is preparing a new attempt to seize the initiative in the war, the fact that the nature of the hostilities on the [combat] front demands new decisions in the provision of defense – all this just emphasizes the importance of coordinating our efforts,” underlined the Ukrainian head of state.

The death toll in a residential building hit by a missile in Dnipro, Ukraine, rose from 36 to 40, including three children, with 46 people missing and 75 injured, the State Emergency Service said on Monday. .

This Saturday attack, attributed to Russian forces, which deny its responsibility, is one of the most serious involving civilians since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, on February 24 last year.

Zelensky on Monday appealed to the efforts of all coalition members to “defend Ukraine and freedom” and to “speed up decision-making”.

The official praised the “good example” of the United Kingdom, which approved a new defense assistance pact, such as “tanks, other armored vehicles and artillery”.

“Exactly what we need”, underlined Zelensky, thanking Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

Ukraine will have several moments of diplomacy this week, added the Ukrainian President, such as the Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, where the country “will be heard on the platform of global importance”, or the regular meeting of the ‘Ramstein format’ [denomination on Ukrainian Defense meetings with other countries].

“Each day of our diplomatic marathon brings Ukraine very specific defensive results. And I thank all those who help our State”, concluded Zelensky in the usual nightly video message addressed to the nation.

The military offensive launched on February 24, 2022 by Russia in Ukraine has so far caused the flight of more than 14 million people – 6.5 million internally displaced and more than 7.9 million to European countries -, according to the latest data from the UN, which classifies this refugee crisis as the worst in Europe since the Second World War (1939-1945).

At the moment, 17.7 million Ukrainians are in need of humanitarian aid and 9.3 million are in need of food aid and shelter.

The Russian invasion – justified by the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, with the need to “denazify” and demilitarize Ukraine for Russia’s security – was condemned by the international community in general, which has responded by sending arms to Ukraine and imposing it on Russia of political and economic sanctions.

The UN presented as confirmed since the beginning of the war 7,031 dead civilians and 11,327 wounded, underlining that these numbers are far below the real ones.

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