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Lula fires public media management

The president of Brazil this Sunday dismissed, by decree, the top management of all public media in the country, given the way the invasions of the buildings of the presidential, legislative and judicial branches in Brasilia on January 8 were covered.

The decision by Lula da Silva’s cabinet was made last Friday, and includes the appointment of Kariane Costa, a journalist, as president of the Brazilian Communication Company, which oversees entities such as the Agência Brasil, TV Brasil, and national radio stations.

This opens a process of transition and reorganization of the EBC that will last for 30 days, according to a statement from the Presidency. In practice, it will be a matter of replacing those responsible appointed by Jair Bolsonaro.

Read also: Police arrest 1500 Bolsonaro supporters accused of coup d’état and 14 other crimes

A week ago, supporters of former President Jair Bolsonaro stormed the headquarters of the Supreme Court, Congress, and the Planalto Palace in Brasilia, where they caused extensive damage. The military police operation to regain control of the headquarters of the three powers resulted in nearly 1,500 arrests.

According to sources quoted by the newspaper Folha de São Paulo, most of the Brazilian media described Bolsonaro’s supporters involved in the invasions in the federal capital as “vandals” or “coup plotters. Public media were limited to the designation “protesters”.On Monday, the main news service TV Brasil would broadcast statements by Senator Flávio Bolsonaro, son of the former president, seen as a provocation by politicians from the Workers’ Party, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s political formation.

Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes has since removed the governor of the Federal District, Ibaneis Rocha, for 90 days. Both the governor and former Security Secretary and former Bolsonaro Justice Minister Anderson Torres are suspected of having acted in a negligent and omissive manner.

Read also: Lula repudiates “coup speeches” and calls for investigation into protests

The former Minister of Justice was even detained, by order was the Supreme Court, upon arrival at the airport in the federal capital.

Jair Bolsonaro, who is also the target of investigation as a possible intellectual author and instigator of the attacks, remains in the United States.

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