Início » Putin calls UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine

Putin calls UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine

Russia’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Dimitri Polianski, announced that the UN Security Council will hold a meeting on Ukraine next week, at Moscow’s request.

“I will not go into detail about what will happen in the Security Council – at our suggestion – on Ukraine at the beginning of next week: let our opponents live in ignorance for now,” Polianski said on Wednesday on the Telegram platform.

Russia has also convened for January 20 another meeting, this one informal, of the UN Security Council on the Ukrainian bombing, in December, of zones controlled by Russian forces in the Donbass region, in the east of Ukraine.

According to Polianski, Russia decided to call a meeting because today the Security Council will discuss, at Japan’s request, “the rule of law among nations” and, on Friday, the situation in Ukraine.

The Russian diplomat said he feared that the discussion would take place “with anti-Russian tones”.

“Our former Western partners will do everything possible to prove that all the world’s problems started precisely on February 24, 2022. Of course we will oppose it,” Polianski said.

The military offensive launched on February 24 by Russia in Ukraine has already caused the flight of more than 14 million people – 6.5 million internally displaced and more than 7.9 million to European countries -, according to the most recent data. of the UN.

At the moment, 17.7 million Ukrainians are in need of humanitarian aid and 9.3 million are in need of food aid and shelter.

The Russian invasion was condemned by the international community in general, which has responded by sending arms to Ukraine and imposing political and economic sanctions on Russia.

The UN presented as confirmed since the beginning of the war 6,919 dead civilians and 11,075 wounded, stressing that these numbers are far below the real ones.

*With Lusa

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