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Prince Harry accuses William of physically attacking him in 2019

Prince Harry, who maintains a tense relationship with the British royal family, accuses his brother William of physically attacking him, throwing him to the ground during an argument in 2019, reported The Guardian newspaper.

Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, left royal duties in 2020, in a highly mediated split on both sides of the Atlantic.

Since then, the couple, who live in the United States, have publicly criticized the royal family on several occasions, in interviews and in a recent documentary on the Netflix platform.

In the book “The Substitute”, which will be published on the 10th of this month, Harry says he was physically attacked by his older brother, William, during an argument in London in 2019, according to the British daily.

During the altercation, the 38-year-old prince accused William of calling Meghan a “difficult [and] rude” woman, before the tone rose with other insults.

“[William then] grabbed me by the collar (…) and threw me to the ground,” says Harry, quoted by The Guardian, which obtained an excerpt from the book on Wednesday.

“I landed in the dog’s bowl, which broke on my back,” added the prince, saying he remained on the ground “stunned”, before asking his brother to leave.

William then “apologised”, he said.

The altercation reportedly left Harry, fifth in line to the throne, with “scratches and bruises”.

Prince Harry said he wanted to “re-establish the link” with his father, King Charles III, and his brother, but the pacification of relations still seems to be far away.

In a documentary released on Netflix in December, the couple accused the royal family of lying and not protecting them, with Harry still pointing the finger at his brother, accusing him of having shouted at him at a family gathering in 2020, in the presence of Elizabeth II .

Harry and Meghan also accused William and his wife, Kate Middleton, of being at the origin of the negative press coverage for wanting “the spotlight”.

In March 2021, they accused the royal family of insensitivity and racism, in an interview.

The British royal family is in a period of transition, after the accession to the throne of Charles III, following the death of Elizabeth II on September 8th.

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