Início » Trump involved in “multifaceted conspiracy” to annul US presidential elections

Trump involved in “multifaceted conspiracy” to annul US presidential elections

The committee that investigated Donald Trump’s role in the attack on the Capitol in 2021 concluded that the former US President was criminally involved in a ′′ multifaceted conspiracy ′′ to annul the presidential results.

An 814-page report, released on Thursday, concludes an 18-month investigation into the former leader and the violent attack on the Capitol on January 6, 2021, stating that Trump failed to act to stop supporters from attacking the home of the president. United States Congress.

The report is the result of interviews with over a thousand witnesses, ten hearings and millions of pages of documents.
Witnesses, from Trump’s closest advisers, to law enforcement officials and some demonstrators, detailed the former US leader’s actions in the weeks leading up to the insurrection, and how the campaign he led to try to reverse the electoral defeat directly influenced the events of January 6th.

The central cause was “one man”: Trump, concluded the nine-member panel, stressing that the insurrection seriously threatened democracy and “put the lives of American lawmakers at risk.”

In the foreword to the report, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wrote that the findings should be a “call to all Americans” to carefully protect democracy.

The document’s eight chapters also described the many aspects of the plan devised by Trump and advisers to try to nullify President Joe Biden’s victory.

Legislators also spoke of the pressure exerted on states, federal authorities, legislators and former Vice President Mike Pence to break the law.

Trump’s repeated and false claims of widespread voter fraud rubbed off on supporters, the committee noted, noting that Trump did little to stop them as they resorted to violence and stormed the Capitol.

The document was released at a time when Donald Trump announced that he will run again for the US presidency and at the same time as he faces several federal investigations, including into his role in this insurrection and the presence of confidential documents in a property he owns in Florida.

This week is particularly difficult for the former leader as a House of Representatives committee is due to release tax returns from Trump, who has tried to keep this data private for years.

On Monday, the panel of seven Democrats and two Republicans officially turned the investigation over to the Justice Department, recommending that it investigate the former president on four counts: incitement to insurrection, conspiracy to commit fraud, obstruction of an act of Congress and accusations of false statements.

Trump sought to discredit the report, calling the committee members “thugs and scoundrels” while continuing to falsely dispute the 2020 defeat.

On January 6, 2021, summoned by Donald Trump, thousands of Americans headed to Washington to protest the result of the presidential election, which gave victory to Joe Biden.

After passing through police, injuring many officers, protesters stormed the Capitol and disrupted the certification of Biden’s victory, echoing Trump’s unsubstantiated allegations of widespread voter fraud and prompting lawmakers in the building to hide or flee to protect their lives.

Five people, agents and attackers, died in the aftermath of the invasion.

*With Lusa

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