Início » Covid-19 | Secretary admits gradual opening in Macau

Covid-19 | Secretary admits gradual opening in Macau

Elsie Ao Ieong U, secretary for Social Affairs and Culture of Macau, said yesterday that the gradual opening of the territory will be a reality, taking into account that the new variant of the virus, Ómicron, causes fewer deaths and symptoms.

According to the Chinese channel of Rádio Macau, the secretary said that the Government already had plans to respond to a progressive entry of covid-19 in the community, with outpatient medical facilities in the neighborhoods or online consultations being planned. The distribution of kits against the pandemic is also planned.

Elsie Ao Ieong U gave the example that, when in a class there are more than ten infected students, then classes will be suspended, but with a smaller number of cases not. In the community, control will only increase when more than five thousand cases are registered in a single day. The measures will include a ban on meals in restaurants or holding events. At the moment, there are more than 6,000 seniors over 80 who have not yet been vaccinated, she said.

The gradual end of restrictions should even be a reality. “We have to prepare ourselves because these cases will gradually enter the community and we cannot close ourselves in Macau forever. The Government maintained this door for three years. In the future, the public is going to have to keep a door to their health,” she concluded.

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