Início » Winter puts millions at risk after attacks on Ukraine’s energy sector

Winter puts millions at risk after attacks on Ukraine’s energy sector

“The onset of winter brings new dimensions to the humanitarian crisis, as attacks and damage to homes leave millions at risk of deadly temperatures that can drop below minus 20 degrees Celsius,” the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in a statement. (THE TEA).

This United Nations agency recalled that in November the first snows began to fall, after new attacks on energy infrastructure that caused “widespread blackouts and interruptions in heating and water supply”.

“Despite ongoing repairs, as of November 28, the Ukrainian power system was only able to cover 70% of demand. As a result, the population in all regions of the country suffers constant power outages, also affecting the population’s access to water and heating, as the pumping system needs electricity to function,” the agency highlighted in the report.

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