Início » NATO support for Ukraine will be needed “for a long time”

NATO support for Ukraine will be needed “for a long time”

Jens Stoltenberg says that Vladimir Putin underestimated the Ukrainians’ capacity for defense and resistance.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg defended this Monday that the countries of the Alliance must be prepared to support Ukraine “for a long time” because Russia’s capacity to maintain the war cannot be underestimated.

“We have to be prepared to support Ukraine for a long time”, despite the fact that Russia is retreating on the ground and that the Ukrainians are liberating occupied territories, said Stoltenberg in Madrid, at the 68th annual session of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly ( North Atlantic Treaty Organization, the defense alliance between European and North American countries).

Stoltenberg said that Russian President Vladimir Putin, when he militarily attacked Ukraine last February, underestimated the defense capacity and resistance of Ukrainians, as well as the unity of the international community around Kiev, but it would now be “a big mistake underestimate Russia”, which maintains a “significant military capacity and a high number of troops” to continue the war.

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