Início » Ukraine demands payment of war compensation by Russia, UN backs

Ukraine demands payment of war compensation by Russia, UN backs

Approved text is not binding, but “recommends” Kiev to start recording the damage caused by the conflict. China, Iran, Cuba, Syria, North Korea or Nicaragua rejected the text.

The United Nations General Assembly approved a resolution this Monday that holds Russia responsible for violating international law due to the invasion of Ukraine and which includes the payment of war compensation.

The text, promoted by Kiev and some of its allies, was approved by 94 votes in favour, 14 against and 74 abstentions, among the 193 member states with seats in the conclave. This was the lowest level of support among the five resolutions adopted by the UN General Assembly since the Russian invasion of the neighboring country on 24 February.

The resolution, which is not binding, calls for the establishment of an international mechanism for reparations and recommends the establishment of an international register of damages during the conflict.

The text also excuses itself from triggering a process for compensation within the UN, limiting itself to supporting this idea and “recommending” that Ukraine, with the support of other countries, draw up a record of the damage caused by the war.

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