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Elections: Court highlights “cordial” conversation with Bolsonaro for peace

Judges of the Federal Supreme Court are meeting on Tuesday with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, after his first speech after losing Sunday’s elections, and highlighted that it was a cordial conversation in favor of peace.

“It was an institutional visit, in a cordial and respectful environment, in which the importance of peace and harmony for the good of Brazil was highlighted by all,” the Federal Supreme Court (STF) said in a statement.

Jair Bolsonaro assured on Tuesday that he will respect the Brazilian Constitution, leaving the door open for a peaceful transition of power to President-elect Lula da Silva, who will take office from January 1st and, despite not having congratulated him, the Federal Supreme Court liked these guarantees given.

Minutes after his speech at Palácio da Alvorada, Bolsonaro went to the STF headquarters, also in Brasília, and met with the president of the court, Judge Rosa Weber, with Gilmar Mendes, Luiz Fux, Edson Fachin, Nunes Marques, André Mendonça and Alexandre de Moraes, who is the president of the Superior Electoral Court. The Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, was also present.

Bolsonaro had invited the judges of the Federal Supreme Court to be present at his statement to the public, but the judges have said that they would prefer to wait to understand the content of Bolsonaro’s speech.

After the Brazilian President’s statement, the STF issued a note in which it recognized the importance of Bolsonaro’s speech in relation to the protests and road blocks, but also for having determined the beginning of the transition process.

“The Federal Supreme Court emphasizes the importance of the President of the Republic’s pronouncement in guaranteeing the right to come and go in relation to the blockades and, when determining the beginning of the transition, to recognize the final result of the elections”, indicated, in a note, the STF. .

Jair Bolsonaro spoke on Tuesday at Palácio da Alvorada, in what was his first statement after losing Sunday’s elections, having appealed to his supporters to abandon the protests and guaranteed that he will respect the Constitution.

“The current popular movements are the result of indignation and a feeling of injustice at how the electoral process took place. Peaceful demonstrations are always welcome, but our methods cannot be those of the left, which have always harmed the population”, stressed the Brazilian President.

Jair Bolsonaro thus appealed to the thousands of supporters who, since early Monday morning, have blocked several roads in the country for not accepting the result of the elections, which Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won with 50.9% of the votes, against 49.1%. % obtained by Bolsonaro.

The Brazilian President also left the door open for a transition as he said he respected the Constitution.

“I have always been labeled undemocratic and, unlike my accusers, I have always played within the four lines of the Constitution. I never talked about controlling or censoring the media and social networks. As President of the Republic and a citizen, I will continue to fulfill all the commandments of our Constitution,” he said.

With 100% of the votes counted, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva won Sunday’s presidential elections by a narrow margin, receiving 50.9% of the vote, against 49.1% for Jair Bolsonaro, who was seeking a new four-year term.

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