Início » EU closes ‘historic deal’ to end combustion engine sales by 2035

EU closes ‘historic deal’ to end combustion engine sales by 2035

The European Union (EU) this Thursday signed the death sentence for new vehicles with combustion engines in 2035: MEPs and Member States reached “a historic agreement” on this regulation, crucial for the European climate goals.

“Historical EU climate decision, which definitively confirms the goal of 100% zero-emission vehicles by 2035, with intermediate steps in 2025 and 2030,” tweeted French MEP Pascal Canfin, chairman of the European Parliament’s Environment Committee.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said it was a “key step” for the bloc’s climate ambitions, which “will stimulate innovation and industrial and technological leadership”.

The negotiations support the EU’s transition to a zero-carbon future, one of the key pledges of Ursula’s presidency. Cars are responsible for 12% of all CO2 emissions within the EU, and transport as a whole accounts for a quarter of the total.

The European car industry said it was “ready to take on the challenge” after this “unprecedented decision”, but called on the EU to create “the necessary conditions” for the fulfillment of these goals, notably the creation of a network of charging points. electric.

‘Achievable goals’

“This agreement paves the way for a modern and competitive car industry in the EU”, celebrated Czech Industry Minister Jozef Sikela, whose country holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU. He considered that “the deadlines make the targets achievable for the manufacturers”.

This was the first agreement on a climate package text (“Fit for 55”) aimed at reducing by 2030 at least 55% of EU greenhouse gas emissions in 1990.

Conservative and German lawmakers had been reticent about approving some targets in the deal struck today, fearing the burden it will pose for European automakers, which compete with global rivals that have more flexible targets.

China, the world’s biggest car market, wants at least half of all new vehicles to be electric, hybrid or hydrogen powered by this year.

To address manufacturers concerned about insufficient consumer demand for 100% electric vehicles, the Commission recommends charging stations “every 60 km”.

There is also a concern that users will not be able to take on the increase in the price of electric vehicles compared to those of combustion engines. “I don’t see the middle class capable of buying electric cars for 30 thousand euros”, commented Carlos Tavares, managing director of the Stellantis group, born from the merger between PSA and Fiat-Chrysler.

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