Início » Joe Biden says Putin “clearly misjudged” resistance he would encounter in Ukraine

Joe Biden says Putin “clearly misjudged” resistance he would encounter in Ukraine

US President Joe Biden said yesterday that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin “clearly misjudged” and “made a miscalculation” about the resistance he would encounter in Ukraine.

“I think he’s a rational person who clearly misjudged the situation,” Joe Biden said in an interview with the US television network CNN, which published some quotes from the broadcast scheduled for tonight.

“He thought he would be welcomed with open arms … and I think he made a complete miscalculation,” the American president said again of his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin.

Russia claimed responsibility for new “massive” attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure on Tuesday, for which the urgently-meeting G7 promised to “hold to account” the Russian president.

The Russian military has recently suffered a series of setbacks in the northeast, east and south of Ukraine.

The military offensive launched on February 24 by Russia in Ukraine has already caused more than 13 million people to flee – more than six million internally displaced people and more than 7.5 million to European countries – according to the latest data from the UN, which ranks this refugee crisis as the worst in Europe since the Second World War (1939-1945).

The Russian invasion – justified by Vladimir Putin, with the need to “denazify” and demilitarize Ukraine for Russia’s security – was condemned by the generality of the international community, which has responded by sending weapons to Ukraine and imposing political sanctions on Russia. and economic.

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